Best Rat Food

If you are anything like us, then you love to eat. Your rat loves to eat too. You may not know this, but eating is essential to surviving (okay, you probably did know that, we just wanted to get across the importance of food). Feeding your rat is one of the key ways in which […]

Best Rat Cages

Rats are intelligent and social creatures, and you will find that they love to run around and interact with you, often sitting on your shoulder. Like almost any other pet, though, they do like a place to call their own, and that is why you need a cage. Rats need a place to go and have […]

Best Rat Breeds

Tailless As with Hairless Rats, Tailless Rats should be pretty self-explanatory. These rats have no tails. These rats look and act the same way as all other rat breeds; they just do not have a tail. Tailless rats are often referred to as Manx Rats. The main difference between this type of rat and others is that […]

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