English Lop Rabbits (Looks, Behavior, & How to Care for Them)

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English Lop rabbits were the first bunnies to be bred for exhibition purposes. [3] It was one of the first-ever lop-eared bunnies to be created by humans without the aid of mother nature.

The original breeding rabbits came from Algiers, where the weather was hot, and rabbits used their ears to regulate their temperatures.

As a result, the ears of an English Lop rabbit are enormous, and the English Lops, themselves, are extremely cute.

An English Lop Rabbit were the first bunnies to be bred for exhibition purposes.

It is easy to distinguish an English Lop rabbit at first glance due to the ears, which measure between 21 and 32 inches. Those are some big ears!

They are wonderful pets for adults and children of all ages.

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English Lop Rabbit: Color and Appearence

They have a smooth, short coat and extremely furry ears.

As we already mentioned, English Lops are easily distinguished by their ears.

As far as bunnies’ ears go, they are giants.

While English Lops are not as large as some other rabbits (Giants, for instance), they are giant ears.

cute english lop rabbit

They are the longest rabbit ears of any breed out there.

The rest are large, growing up to 32” long, weighing 9-12 pounds on average.

English Lop rabbits come in both solid and broken colors [2], with the broken colors being broken up by white. The solid or broken colors can come in black, fawn, blue, opal, white, chinchilla, and they are lovely creatures.

They have a smooth, short coat and extremely furry ears. A wide nose and a broad head give them a regal look that endures.

Watch this video for additional information.

How Do I Care for an English Lop Rabbit?

English Lops have short coats, so they do not need a lot of grooming and mainly take care of themselves.

The fur is easy to maintain [1], even for them, and you should only need to check in with them once a week.

A quick weekly brush will be beneficial, and you may have to up that during shedding season to protect your coat.

If you ever find that your rabbit is dirty, then a quick wipe with a slightly damp cloth is all you should do. Rabbits will groom themselves.

As English Lops have long ears, they need a little more care and attention for ear care.

Wax can build up more than in the ears of other rabbits, so it is good practice to check the ears whenever you are grooming your bunny.

Check the nails, too, to ensure that they are not growing too long and trim them as necessary.

Special attention should be paid in the colder weather as their ears can become frozen.

This breed of rabbit is large, so it needs a large cage.

It would help ensure that the rabbit can stand up in the cage without the ears being squashed down.

This is easier for Lops than other breeds as the ears do not stick straight up.

The rabbit needs to lay itself out in the cage fully.

The cage floor should be a solid material instead of a grid or bars, which will help their feet.

english lop rabbit in cage

Particular attention should be paid to the colder weather as their ears can freeze. If your rabbit is outside in cold conditions, the tips of an English Lop’s ears can become frostbitten and fall off.

Make sure to clean [2] the cage of your English Lop at least once a week, spot-cleaning it as needed.

How Active is an English Lop Rabbit?

English Lops are lazy rabbits. There is no getting away from it.

They love to be out of their cages, love to play, and love to socialize, but they do not need a ton of space to run around in.

english lops rabbit in park

When they are out of their cages, a pen for them to stretch out in will be enough, but we always recommend giving them as much space as you can.

If you can let them out into a room, that is even better. Make a special effort to protect your space and your bunny by removing anything which could be hazardous to them or which could be chewed.

A run which stops any predators from getting in is preferred,

Notably, all pets require exercise. If you are letting your English Lop outside, then a run should be enough space for your rabbit to run around in.

A run that stops any predators from getting in is preferred, but you should always be outside with your rabbit just in case anything should happen.

As we mentioned, do not let your English Lop be outside for a long time when the weather gets cold, or you run the risk of them losing the tips of their ears.

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What Should I Feed My English Lop Rabbit?

English Lops eat much the same diet [2] as most other rabbits out there. Their diet will be mainly hay and water with some pellets, vegetables, and the occasional fruit piece.  

Hay will make up the bulk of their diet, around 70%, but your English Lop can eat an unlimited amount without any detrimental effects.

The great thing about a diet rich in hay is that it keeps their digestive system in excellent condition and helps to wear down their teeth.

English Lops will eat 1/2 cup of pellets per 5 pounds of weight

Water can also be given in unlimited amounts, as long as they are drinking it, and you should be giving them clean freshwater whenever the water in their bowl gets low.

The water dish should be spot-checked and changed if it gets contaminated.

Vegetables and pellets form the last part of your bunny’s diet.

English Lops will eat 1/2 cup of pellets per 5 pounds of weight, so roughly a cup and a half a day for a regular-sized rabbit.

english lop rabbit eat vegetable

You should also give them a cup or two of fresh vegetables, with leafy greens making up the bulk of what you offer.

Fruit pieces can be given as a treat or to help in the training of your bunny.

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Healthcare for English Lop Rabbit

The ears are the main concern for an English Lop. They can have more build up of wax than other breeds do so make sure to check [2] them regularly.

The ears are susceptible to the cold.

Leaving your rabbit out in the cold can cause frostbite on the tips of the ears.

That can be painful for your bunny.

The ears, being so long, also drag along the ground and can become infected if the skin is broken.

Again, a little check at the grooming time can go a long way to making sure that the ears are not damaged.

english lop rabbit in cold

As with all rabbits, the teeth can be a problem if the length is not monitored. If your rabbit is eating a lot of hay, the teeth will naturally be worn down.

If it looks like the teeth are growing too long, then you can add in some chew toys or wooden sticks for them to gnaw on.

If you are ever worried about their teeth, then a visit to the vet can help, as it will help with most things.

English Lop Rabbits as Pets

English Lops make for excellent pets for a couple of reasons.

The first is that they are incredibly docile creatures.

Some people call them lazy, and those people would be right.

english lops rabbit couple

For children, that is excellent news, as the bunny will sit there while kids pet them, without scurrying off, especially liking being scratched behind the ears.

Their size makes them more challenging for little children to pick up, so they usually do not. Children will often lift them with a smaller rabbit and scare the rabbit.

That does not happen as much with English Lops, but adult supervision is always recommended.

They are gentle pets that do not need much attention but do need some socializing.

The second reason is all down to the ears. Their large floppy ears are endearing to everyone. Adults love to look at them, and kids love to look at them even more.

When you combine this unique look with their temperament, you get a bunny which is impressive to be around.

They are gentle pets that do not need much attention but do need some socializing. They respond well when you are in their enclosures with them.

You do not have to do much, save for the occasional ear rub. Just being close to them is enough.

These are playful bunnies but not overly active. They will appreciate which they can move around their enclosure and chew on.

Any toy that makes a noise as it is moved benefits an English Lop.

A great pet for any person and any age of the person.

If you have a Lionhead rabbit, you know how special and unique they are – and they deserve a name that reflects their one-of-a-kind personality. Check out the “Lionhead rabbit names” video for some truly creative and adorable ideas that are sure to inspire you!


  • 1. Mini Lop Breed Information and Pictures – PetGuide.com [Internet]. PetGuide. 2019. Available from: https://www.petguide.com/breeds/rabbit/mini-lop/
  • 2. Mini Lop Rabbit – Top Guide & Facts [Internet]. [cited 2022 Jan 27]. Available from: https://animalcorner.org/rabbit-breeds/mini-lop-rabbit/
  • 3. Cordero GA, Berns CM. A test of Darwin’s “lop-eared” rabbit hypothesis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2016;29:2102–10.
an english lop rabbit

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Andreea Juganaru
Andreea Juganaru

Andreea is a very passionate content creator and her purpose is to provide you with the most interesting articles, while constantly discovering new facts. She’s been freelance writing for the past five years and has created numerous articles and educational materials while managing her own mom blog.
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