Are Tomatoes Good for Hamsters?

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Tomatoes can also be consumed by a hamster quite comfortably. However, make sure there are no tomato leaves as these are acids to our little hammy.

a hamster trying to eat tomatoes, can hamsters eat tomatoes

Also, the tomato should be washed to remove any pesticide on the outer part.

A quarter of a teaspoon is sufficient per serving every week.

What Others Treats Can I Give My Hamster?

Hamsters thrive on a high variety diet. Fruit and vegetables are with some exceptions good and healthy choices that add antioxidants and healthy fats to a diet. In addition, food like meat and cheese can be important protein sources

… and watching your hamster feast on its treats is sure to give you a warm and even proud feeling!

If you’re ever unsure about feeding your hamster a particular food, just don’t do it. Likewise, if your hamster ate something you’re not sure about, call your vet.

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READ MORE: Can I Feed My Hamster Apples?

3-Step System for Testing New Hamster Treats

When I introduce new hamster snacks for my Hamster, Mr. Bubbles, there is a 3-step system I use every time to ensure it’s good for his little stomach.

How to Test New Hamster Treats

  1. Make sure it is fresh, washed, and doesn’t contain any pesticide (i.e. purchase organic treats)
  2. Test if your hamster can eat the treat. This is done by giving a little test piece and waiting a couple of days, watching for any symptoms.
  3. Introduce the treat into your hamster’s diet at more regular intervals over the coming weeks

CHECK: Can Hamsters Eat Potato?

Best Hamster Food

Besides giving your hamster treats, it is very important to give it the right kind of hamster food.

There is a lot of food out there with one of the following traits:

  • Not enough protein in it
  • Becomes dusty
  • Your hamster simply doesn’t like it and leaves a lot of food

That’s why, we have done the research and recommend the following three products, which are none of the above, and instead are the backbone of a good hamster diet.

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READ MORE: Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Cheese?

Other Feeding Tips for Your Hamster:

1. Provide fresh water every day. The water bottle should be frequently checked for any dirt or leaks to avoid contamination of the water. It is also good to monitor your hamster’s water intake because a reduction of water intake can mean you need to visit the vet.

2. Remove any remnants of feed to avoid rotting- this is especially for fresh fruits, vegetables, and powdered food which tend to grow mold/bacteria.

3. Do not overfeed on vegetables to avoid diarrhea. Overfeeding on sugary fruits and treats is also discouraged because it tends to cause obesity in your pet.

4. When introducing a new kind of feed to your hamster, you should first give a small amount and observe for a week for any negative reaction to the food.

If there is no negative reaction, then the feed is safe for consumption for your hamster. A sudden change in the diet of your pet may cause stress.

a hamster trying new food to eat

Now you try it!

You are now well equipped to start feeding all kinds of treats to your hamster.

a hamster eating tomato, can hamsters eat tomatoes

Can hamsters have tomatoes? What about your pets, do they like it? Please share with us below!

Alina Hartley
Alina Hartley

Alina Hartley is a small-town girl with a ginormous love of bearded dragons. It all started with Winchester, a baby bearded who was abandoned at the shelter by his former owners because of a birth defect that caused one front leg to be shorter than the other. Alina originally went to the shelter looking for a guinea pig, but one look at Winchester and it was love at first sight. From that day on, Alina has dedicated her life to learning everything she can about bearded dragons. She loves helping new beardie parents start their incredible journey with these magnificent reptiles.
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